58th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management 2021 (Virtual)
May 19 - 22, 2021
Conference Theme
Responsible Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Program Chair: Tejinder K. Billing, Rowan University
EAM President: Jeff Mello
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Conference Program is available here
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From a global health pandemic to racial injustice, the year 2020 has brought forward unprecedented challenges for both organizations and management education. These evolving public health and societal events highlight the importance of responsible leadership more than ever before. While responsible management/leadership and Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) have been increasingly incorporated into management education, the rapidly changing world in which we live presents the need to continuously frame and reframe responsible management/leadership, responsible management education, and research into organizational social responsibility. Among the questions we need to address are; What are the skills/abilities required for engaging in responsible leadership? Why are some companies more responsive to global problems than others? How should we teach our students to be sensitive to global issues that they do not experience first-hand? What can business schools do to develop socially relevant and responsive mindsets? What is the role of entrepreneurship in responsible leadership? How do organizational structures, cultures, and identities help or hinder responsible management? The EAM community will explore these and other management issues in research, teaching, and learning.